(503) 538-7358         200 N. Edwards St., Newberg, OR  97132

Comprehensive Exams, Including Dental X-Rays

Dental x-rays help dentists visualize diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue that cannot be seen with a simple oral exam. In addition, x-rays help the dentist find and treat dental problems early in their development, which often saves you money and unnecessary discomfort.  Dental x-rays can be used to: 1) show areas of decay that may not be visible with an oral exam, especially small areas of decay between teeth; 2) identify decay occurring beneath an existing filling; 3) reveal bone loss that accompanies gum disease; 4) reveal changes in the bone or in the root canal resulting from infection; 5) assist in the preparation of tooth implants, dentures, or other dental procedures; 6) reveal an abscess (an infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth); and 7) reveal other developmental abnormalities, such as cysts and some types of tumors.

The frequency of x-rays depends on the individual’s medical and dental history, as well as their current condition. Some people may need x-rays as often as every six months; others with no recent dental or gum disease and who visit their dentist regularly may get x-rays only every couple of years. If you are a new patient, we may take x-rays as part of the initial exam and to establish a baseline record from which to compare changes that may occur over time.

The dose of radiation you are exposed to during an x-ray at our office is extremely small, especially because we take digital x-rays.  Additionally, advances in dentistry over the years have lead to a number of measures that minimize the risks.  If you are concerned about radiation exposure due to an x-ray, please don’t hesitate to ask us how why it is being taken.